Computer Upgrade and Repair


Do you want a fast Computer? Of course the answer is YES! Fast optimized computers is in demand. Top Notch Computer Support works on both Desktop and laptop Computers.

Computer Upgrades and Repairs

New Computer Setup

Before you go out and buy a new computer, please contact Top notch Computer Support. We help you get what you need, without over paying for a computer or get a slow computer that wont work.

If you want a new computer to run at it’s full potential, then let Top Notch Computer Support optimize the new computer, remove unwanted loaded programs, get the programs reloaded and files transferred over to the new computer and get up and running.

Computer Repair

most of the time the current computer you have is a good computer and it just needs to be cleaned out or reloaded. most people think the computer is running slow and they need a new one. Most of the time this is not the case. The computer just needs to be fixed.

Don’t waste the money on a new computer that you may not need. Just give us a call and we can go over the issues and provide a lower cost solution to the issue you are having.

* Customer must purchase all software licenses and parts. Any and all additional services are billed at the hourly rate of $90.00 per hour. Rates are subject to change without notice.